The Endsars decentralized social movement against police brutality in Nigeria is part of our greatest history, on the night of 20th of October armed forces shot at unarmed protesters the lekki tollgate in Lagos.

Section 39 subsection 1 states that every person shall be entitled to freedom of expression including freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impact ideas and information without interference, how Nigerians survive in Nigeria without going crazy be questioned, everyone have a plan for most Nigerians escaping from this country is part of their plans, our elders will say their is no place like home with due respect there are place better than home, insecurity is getting high, Nigeria is on fire and the citizens are amused.

In this country if they guarantee you freedom of expression be careful what you say oh, if they guarantee you freedom of movement be careful of where you go, forget in Nigeria we fear our government o, the yoruba  even gave them an adage say Ijoba amuni mogun, even with juju they will still grasp you with one hand.

Nigeria youth embarked on a peaceful protest ragged Endsars to demand the disbandment of the special anti robbery squad which was formed in 1992 to combat arm robbery and other serious crime, but overtime this unit have been implicated in widespread of human rights abuse, extrajudicial killing, torture, arbitrary, arrest, unlawful detention and extortion, anger about the unit spread nation wide an officer torture a young man in Ughelli, Delta state, the president announced that the unit will be disband, young protester still occupy the street because that wasn't the first time, they said the unit have been disband, youth live in fear under the climate of their encounter with SARS, they were more like daredevil in the south western part of Nigeria, if you haven't been stop by SARS and you are a youth in Nigeria, No be juju be that, you have to change your hairstyle, costume and even the way you dress, some hand over their phone to drivers or a female partner to keep it for you, be a Nigeria isn't easy, you can drive a big car or live large, while demonstrations across Nigeria remain peaceful security forces responded with more brutality.

We were just demanding what you promised us in the police act, about 28 millions tweets culminated on Twitter alone, voice began to grow more in porthacourt, Delta, Benin, ogun, Lagos and other states in Nigeria, that time in Nigeria you thought the messiah has come, new Era of Fela was rejuvenating in other pattern, images of some person's were seeing be removing cameras and the street lights at the vicinity were turn off.
A clip of a video shared by DJ switch trend on social media showing are live bullets were shot at Nigeria youth.

Something like that might still happen, something like that might never happen again but whichever one still want you all to know that we have made an history.

An history that can never be forgotten, an history that already be written in the heart of men, no matter what we will never forget


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